Tuesday 11 March 2014

Airport Baggage Handling Systems Market Forecast

The baggage handling system at a runway plays a significant role in keeping travelers happy. A baggage handling system (BHS) is a kind of transport system introduced in airports that transports checked luggage from ticket counters to regions where the packs could be stacked onto planes. A BHS likewise transports checked baggage originating from planes to baggage claims or to a range where the pack could be stacked onto an alternate plane.

A baggage-handling system has three fundamental employments:
  •  Move packs from the check-in zone to the takeoff entryway
  •  Move packs starting with one entryway then onto the next throughout exchanges
  •  Move packs from the entry door to the baggage-claim zone
The measure of a successful baggage-handling system is straightforward: Can the packs move from point to point as quick as the voyagers can? In the event that the bags move slower, you'll have disappointed traveler sitting tight for bags, or bags neglecting to set aside a few minutes. If the bags move too fast, you might have bags making connecting flights that passengers miss.


Even though the primary function of a BHS is the transportation of bags however BHS will provide other services included in making assure that a bag gets to the expected place in the airport. sortation is the process of identifying a bag with the information associated with it in order to make a decision on where the bag should be directed within the system.

In addition to sortation, a BHS may also perform the following functions:
  • Identification of bag jams.
  • Regulation of volume (to avoid overloading system)
  • Balancing the Load. 
  • Counting the Bag.
  • Tracking the Bag.
  • Bags Redirection.
The global Baggage Handling Systems market revenue is expected to grow from $21.78 billion in 2012 to $30.66 billion by 2017, at an estimated CAGR of 7.08% from 2012 to 2017.

Global Commercial Aviation Baggage Handling System Market, Top 3 High Growth Rate Sectors, (2012-2017) (%)  :

Source : MarketsandMarkets
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